Lost Count

The whole idea of crying tears of joy always seemed like a myth to me, until recently. 

I was on the phone to a good friend and we were just reminiscing about the last year. The struggles we struggled at uni and the way it took a toll on my health,  then we suddenly realised that it has been over a year since I was last admitted to hospital...On the 9th April 2017 I was discharged from hospital and I haven’t needed to go back since. 

From having to go almost every month to not going for more than a year, its nothing short from a miracle…I actually can’t believe I lost count.

Over a year. 

419 days to be exact 

419 days without calling 111 or 999

419 days without being in an ambulance 

419 days without tasting that dead hospital food 

Even as I’m writing this I haven’t fully deeped it 

419 days...

The more I started to realise this, the more emotional I got. Then tears started falling from my eyes...tears of joy!

If you were to ask me a year ago what I think my life would be like today I honestly never would have guessed. 

All I can do is thank God!!!

I’ve been struggling to thing of a blog topic to write about for a while now (as you can tell), and 3 months ago I drafted a blog post that basically listed all the hardships of living with sickle cell, and long story short it was a mess. The tone was so sour and ignorant…definitely not good enough to release but I am so happy I get to write about this, the things I’m thankful for.

Never in my 22 years of living have I ever gone a whole year without being admitted to hospital. Ahh I don’t think anyone understands how happy this makes me. 

Whenever it came to my health it was always a thing where my only priority was to do what I can to stay out of hospital, I was only fighting to not be in pain. But now I don’t have to use the number of times I was admitted to hospital as a measure of health. I have been able to focus on ways to improve my health as opposed to just maintaining it, and this is a process I am really enjoying and I am excited to see how this goes.
419 days

Again and again I would like to thank those closest to me who make my health such a priority. If I didn’t have you all around me I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be as healthy as I am today. 

This is a post to challenge those with sickle cell to keep count. Every day we go through without falling ill, every day we go through without having to go to the hospital, every day we muster up the energy and strength to make it through the day. Celebrating each day, congratulate yourself, give yourself more credit, it’s actually not easy.

But do not get complacent!!!!! 

Don’t think that just because everything is fine you shouldn’t look after yourself the way you normally do. 
This is a trap I fall for more times than I would like to admit, being complacent with your health never ends well. I always say ‘prevention is better than cure.’ 

And like always, if you want to talk all things health please do message me on any of my socials. I am more than happy to help in any way I possibly can. Even if you don’t have sickle cell and you just want to find out more, feel free to message me.

Also, for my people with sickle cell please take the time out to thank those who have helped you along the way.  Every person who has made your journey with sickle cell that bit easier. Let them know that their efforts do not go unnoticed. 

Thats all for now guys...Stay Healthy 

Tito xx


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